Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2017

A little story ...

I'd like to tell you a story. If you take it as an allegory, so be it.

Once upon a time there way a village. The village was relatively nice place, even if a little odd and rustic at times. But people liked to live there.
At one point in time, a guy from the village decided that the road leading to the village was a disgrace and that he wanted to improve it. So he just got started. Some people really thought the old road was good enough, but who where they to stop a young guy from improving things.

The young one worked hard for many days. He wasn't very experienced in road building, so he also made many mistakes, but he finally managed to improve the road. It was not the finest piece of workmanship but you could drive a lot faster on it than on the old gravel road that existed.

Everybody knew that on such a fine road, you could drive quite fast on so people did. Some recklessly so, but most of them moderately.

But one night, there was a grave accident. Just around a bend, a car ran into an unmoving obstacle. The  car was a wreck and the driver was dead. There was great clamor ... and there was even more clamour, when it was found out, what the obstacle was: Someone, in the middle of the night, had anchored a steel rod right in the middle of the driving lane  without telling anyone. 

Of course, everybody wanted to remove the rod as quickly as possible. They were starting to do just that, when the young man who built the road stepped forward. 

"Yeah, I did that. That curve is dangerous, so I added the steel rod so that you need to drive around it slowly. Don't you see? It's clearly the driver's fault for going too fast. The rod needs to stay where it is to prevent people from driving too fast. If you need them, you can just put up speed signs!"

People with this kind of attitude exist in reality. Just look a little.

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